Thursday, May 13, 2010

Music Rejection

Dear Olivia,

Truely, deep deep down, I strongly dislike you. To be honest, I will never hate anyone as much as I hate you. I hate helping you and listening to your pity problems. I'd really appriciate it if you didn't use me to make you feel better. All the style and different sides of me, yeah they hate you too. So don't bother using me as your escape anymore. I would love to bring happiness and joy to anyone, but you. I would love to run away from you but you constantly pull me by your seide. I hate that, seriously stop doing that, it's annoying. Stop using me to "help you when your down" I would rather keep pushing you down. You mise well go find a boy because I am leaving asap. I hate you so much and you're the most annoying person I have every met. Don't ever come to me with problems EVER. I will not listen because I don't care about you anymore.

Don't keep in touch,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Dear Dance,

You are my first love. I've known you since I was born. You were my first steps, I could dance before I could walk. You have always been a part of my life. You are one of my first priorities. You come in many different kinds, and I love every single one of them. I love you when your fast paced with hip hop or telling a story with modern. You give me the opportunity to express myself in ways that words can not. With every second I am without you I am lost. You're going to be with me my whole life. I live for you. I think about you every second of the day. I can not imagine my life without you. You bring a new excitement to my life and I will never let you go.

Love you forever,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thoughts on Macbeth

So far I like the story of Macbeth I think it is really interesting. My favorite part is when the three witches appear. So far, they are the most fun to read about, because they are extremly creepy. I do not think the story is to gruesome. I actually like all of the killing descriptions, they are very interesting to read about. The language can get a little difficult at some points in the story. I mostly get confused when a character is giving a long speech. I get caught up on a sentence I do not understand and then I lose focus on the rest of the speech. Other then that it just takes a few minutes to completly comprehend what is being said. But once you have the understanding, the story of Macbeth is very fun to read.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Thomas A Becket

Thomas A Becket was the archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. He was born December 21, 1118 in Cheapside, Londan.


His life was cut short when he was murdered in the Cantabury Cathedral on December 29,1170. His death was a tragic scene that is still remembered today. Becket was killed by his close personal friend King Henry II. While at first Becket and Henry were very good friends they soon got into disputes about religious problems. Becket fled the country to avoid confrontation. After their dispute was "settled" Becket returned back to Canterbury. Soon after his return, Henrys knights search for the archbishop. When they found Becket he was at the alter of a Cathedral. Not caring that a service was in session Henrys men began stabbing Becket, soon splitting his skull.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reflection on My Writing

I have always really enjoyed writing. I think it's a great way to express your thoughts. As a freshman it was hard for me to think outside of the box. I always stuck to the same structure of writing. I wrote most things with the exact same format and style. Now I have learned to try new approaches. But I still have trouble committing to my writing 100 percent. However, at times writing still frustrates me a lot. The worst part is when I have a lot of opening sentences I want to use and I can't pick just one. Or when I start off with one direction I want the paper to go in and next thing I know the direction completely changes. The hardest part for me as a writer would be the brainstorming. It's one of the easiest things to do, but for me it takes the longest and is the hardest.

"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." ~Sylvia Plath

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Hero.

My hero is my Grandpa. He died 8 years ago but he is still my hero. He supported me through everything I did. When I would get in trouble I would run and tell him, so he could get me out of trouble. He was at every dance recital or play that I was in. His funeral was packed and there were nothing but nice words said about him. People always said he was one of the nicest people in they have ever met. He always put others before himself, and was a very hardworker. In a way I hope to live my life like him. All about being adventurous anda caring.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My name is Mercadies. I am a junior at Anderson. I am on the Dance and Cheerleading teams there. I've been dancing since I was two years old and want to pursue it in college. For college I originally wanted to go to New York University or the University of L.A. My parents want to me stay close to home for two years then possibly transfer. So I've thought about going to go to Kent State University or Ohio University. Both these colleges have good "study abroad" programs. I think it would be really cool to live in a totally different place for a while and learn. I hope to go to Australia at some point in my life too.