Monday, March 1, 2010

Thomas A Becket

Thomas A Becket was the archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. He was born December 21, 1118 in Cheapside, Londan.


His life was cut short when he was murdered in the Cantabury Cathedral on December 29,1170. His death was a tragic scene that is still remembered today. Becket was killed by his close personal friend King Henry II. While at first Becket and Henry were very good friends they soon got into disputes about religious problems. Becket fled the country to avoid confrontation. After their dispute was "settled" Becket returned back to Canterbury. Soon after his return, Henrys knights search for the archbishop. When they found Becket he was at the alter of a Cathedral. Not caring that a service was in session Henrys men began stabbing Becket, soon splitting his skull.

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